Tuesday, June 10, 2008

ketahui tentang NGV

Pasanglah NGV

What is natural gas?Natural gas is a mixture of hydrocarbons found in the ground independently or together with crude oil. Its composition varies (depending on where it is found), but its main component is "Methane"(CH4}. The rest of the gas is made up of varying amounts of other gases like ethane, propane, butane, and heavier hydrocarbons, plus Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, water and traces of other substances.

Harga minyak naik mahal sungguh

ketahui apa dia ngv

What is natural gas?Natural gas is a mixture of hydrocarbons found in the ground independently or together with crude oil. Its composition varies (depending on where it is found), but its main component is "Methane"(CH4}. The rest of the gas is made up of varying amounts of other gases like ethane, propane, butane, and heavier hydrocarbons, plus Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, water and traces of other substances. Natural gas is a by-product of decaying vegetable matter in underground strata. Natural gas is the cleanest burning fossil fuel; it can help improve the quality of air and water,especially when used in highly polluted places.
Malaysia is blessed with abundant natural gas reserves. At 82.5 trillion cubic feet, these reserves are two times the amount of oil, thus there is opportunity to promote and diversify the use of the natural gas not just as a power source in the industrial and utilities sector; but also as an alternative fuel for vehicles. PETRONAS, through its wholly, owned subsidiary, PETRONAS NGV Sdn Bhd , have been making NGV available to Malaysian motorists through its expanding chain of NGV outlets in the Klang Valley and other major urban areas in the country.
FAQ's at bottom of this page. For more info on NGV visit: IANGV or Green Car Congress

Monday, June 2, 2008

enjin kereta

persoalan mengenai enjin keretamasaalah enjinsoal jawab berkaitan enjinHere is a set of engine-related questions from readers and their answers:
perbezaan antara gasoline engine dan diesel engine? In a diesel engine, there is no spark plug. Instead, diesel fuel is injected into the cylinder, and the heat and pressure of the compression stroke cause the fuel to ignite. Diesel fuel has a higher energy density than gasoline, so a diesel engine gets better mileage.
apakah perbezaan antara two-stroke dan four-stroke engine? Most chain saws and boat motors use two-stroke engines. A two-stroke engine has no moving valves, and the spark plug fires each time the piston hits the top of its cycle. A hole in the lower part of the cylinder wall lets in gas and air. As the piston moves up it is compressed, the spark plug ignites combustion, and exhaust exits through another hole in the cylinder. You have to mix oil into the gas in a two-stroke engine because the holes in the cylinder wall prevent the use of rings to seal the combustion chamber. Generally, a two-stroke engine produces a lot of power for its size because there are twice as many combustion cycles occurring per rotation. However, a two-stroke engine uses more gasoline and burns lots of oil, so it is far more polluting.
You mentioned steam engines in this article -- are there any advantages to steam engines and other external combustion engines? The main advantage of a steam engine is that you can use anything that burns as the fuel. For example, a steam engine can use coal, newspaper or wood for the fuel, while an internal combustion engine needs pure, high-quality liquid or gaseous fuel.
Are there any other cycles besides the Otto cycle used in car engines? The two-stroke engine cycle is different, as is the diesel cycle described above. The engine in the Mazda Millenia uses a modification of the Otto cycle called the Miller cycle.
Why have eight cylinders in an engine? Why not have one big cylinder of the same displacement of the eight cylinders instead? There are a couple of reasons why a big 4.0-liter engine has eight half-liter cylinders rather than one big 4-liter cylinder. The main reason is smoothness. A V-8 engine is much smoother because it has eight evenly spaced explosions instead of one big explosion. Another reason is starting torque. When you start a V-8 engine, you are only driving two cylinders (1 liter) through their compression strokes, but with one big cylinder you would have to compress 4 liters instead.

potong kereta

The kereta-potongmenaceQ: What is a kereta potong?
A: It is when one half of a car (front or back) is joined (welded) with another half to form a car. The halves usually come from two different cars that survived a bad accident or from imported “half-cuts” (one half of a car).
Q: How did this practice of joining two halves of a car start?
A: A few years ago, there was a lack of guidelines and it was not mandatory for inspections to be done on cars. The cars should have been considered total losses but insurance companies chose to salvage them.
Q: Why was this done?
A: To save money. The companies did not want to pay the full claims for a car that should be written off, so they gave the go ahead to “fix” the car. It is a cheaper and faster alternative to fix one half of a car to another than to fix the car’s bonnet or bumper individually.
Q: So is it harder to get away with it now?
A: Since mandatory inspections came into force in 2005, the kereta potong are being identified.
*Answers supplied by used-car dealers

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Beberapa tip tentang kereta

Bateri rosak boleh dibaiki


kereta keluaran terbaru

Silat seni warisan orang melayu

Seni Gayung Fatani is one of the most artistic types of the Malay martial art silat, which some mistake for a traditional dance.

The steps and hand movements each contain their own meaning and can easily lock or disable an opponent.

This style is claimed to be one of the most ancient styles in peninsular Malaysia which still maintains its traditional lessons, besides the addition of the modern system.

It is also known as silat patani, gayung patani, gayung fatani, gayung and silat pulut. Pak Andak Embong taught this style to Tuan Haji Anuar in 1965. Tuan Haji Anuar now is the Guru Utama (Grandmaster) Pertubuhan Seni Gayung Fatani Malaysia (PSGFM).

Seni Gayung Fatani originally came from the state of Patani, a Malay State in the south of Thailand. It was first brought to Kedah in Malaysia in 1840 by Syeikh Abd. Rahman, a Malay man from Patani. Later his son Tok Yah Ramli expanded this style. Another student from Syeikh Abd. Rahman was Pak Teh Mat Ali who taught this style to Pak Andak Embong.

When it was registered in 1976 as an association under the Government's Club Act, the name was formalized to Seni Gayung Fatani (in Arabic, fatani means wise or having wisdom). This style is the combination of the seni(art) that consists of movements that are soft and holds its own meaning practiced together with muzik silat baku or traditional silat music and also beladiri(self defence) techniques against weapons.

Monday, May 26, 2008

tip penjagaan radiator

Penyelenggaraan Radiator Masa : Setiap 3 bulan1. buka kunci hos dibahagian bawah radiator (kunci ini biasanya diperbuat daripada plastik) dan penutup radiator dan biarkan air mengalir sehingga tiada lagi air mengalir daripada radiator. 2. Buka air daripada pili (mesti dengan kadar aliran yang sederhana kuat) dan masukkan ke dalam radiator, tunggu sekejap sehingga air mula keluar daripada radiator, kemudian hidupkan injin. 3. Biar injin melahu dan air mengalir keluar sehingga air yang keluar daripada radiator tidak lagi berkarat atau berwarna teh susu atau milo.4. Matikan injin, pasangkan kembali kunci hos di bahagaian bawah radiator dan isikan radiator dengan air pili tanpa menggunakan coolant sehingga penuh.5. Hidupkan injin tanpa menutup penutup radiator. Sepatutnya, selepas beberapa ketika, apabila injin panas, air di dalam radiator tidak akan mendidih. Kalau mendidih, ini bermakna terdapat non function di bahagian tertentu sistem penyejukkan. Mungkin radiator tersumbat, atau termostat tidak berfungsi.6. Perkara ini perlu dilakukkan setiap tiga bulan atau lebih kerap bagi mengelakkan radiator tersumbat atau sistem aliran air di dalam injin tersumbat dengan karat air atau karat besi. Jika ini berlaku, suhu injin tidak lagi menjadi normal dan mungkin akan naik sedikit dan besar kemungkinan, overheating boleh berlaku.7. Penggunaan coolant boleh memendekkan jangkahayat pam air dan termostat dan juga boleh menyebabkan radiator tersumbat.8. Sekiranya radiator tersumbat, terdapat kedai yang boleh membersihkan radiator tanpa perlu menanggalkan radiator dengan menggunakan mesin khas. Harga upah dalam sekitar RM35-RM50. Saya akan cuba dapatkan alamat kedai tersebut dan akan emailkan kemudian.9. Sekiranya radiator bocor, saya nasihatkan, ambil tindakan segera dengan menukar radiator (samada baru atau secondhand (kedai potong)) kerana jika kita biarkan, kemungkinan overheating boleh berlaku dan kos mewmbaiki overheating ialah disekitar RM1000 - RM1500 bergantung kepada teruknya kerosakan. Kos penukaran radiator secondhand(kedai potong) kurang dari RM200.